Friday, September 24, 2010


It’s the saddest sunrise we’ve ever taken in
When with the shroud of night the sun robs you of all you’ve been hoping
These winds of change blow on me now
But I’m not certain if this isn’t the direction I have chosen somehow
And if this wind can carry on it seeds
Then they’ve taken root and wounded me.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Way a Mouth Forms Words

So much depends on the way a mouth forms the words, a tone, a meaning conveyed only in feeling, carried on words as they are released into this air between us.
Your mouth and the words once so warm and familiar.
The way you spoke my name once, in such a way that it was a word private, intimate, familiar, now falls forth from your lips as just another word spoken (impersonal).
It came from those lips, once so tender, with rigid formality, such to show not ourselves but to communicate the point to those other hearers, “there is no intimate connection we two share.”  
Here in the pale light and brisk air I strode by your side.
This chill takes hold. ..
Moments tick by...
Silence takes hold...
My mouth holds captive the words I long to say (much as the reason you impose holds you prisoner even now).
I dare not part these lips.
You see, I know if I let these words drip from this already down turned mouth the sorrow would also spill from my eyes.
Thus, just as this began so does it continue without explanation.
There is no explanation needed with the falling of the leaves there is no slowing this season from drawing to a close.
We continue this walk.
These narrow streets cannot hold the distance between us now.
You are increasing in speed now at such a pace that I cannot catch the hand that may still want to be held here. I could see its hesitation, much like that tenderness in your eyes before it too retreated.
I am aware that though I may give chase I may well never catch you..Though I practice this sprint you will draw further ahead.
I may but hang back under these yellow street lights though they hold no warmth, in quiet observation.
But please know my dear that I cannot remain here for always awaiting your return.
So much depends on the way a figure forms an action, a tone, a meaning only conveyed in a feeling carried by the feet of one who walks away and leaves traces hanging in the air and distance between us.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Am I Thief

Am I thief
These whispered words, your warm arms around me, your lips that brush my hair gently as the murmurs reach my ears, I relish, I lay still, quiet within myself lest I shatter the moment.  Oh, let not reality enter this realm. It is in these moments dear that I hang on to each word, each phrase spoken in this embrace. They seem fragile and light once they leave your lips. I stay still silent within myself lest I miss them. I reach out strain to hear and capture each one within the confines of my mind; there they shall live again and still. If I let them float from your lips if I let them escape my notice, were I not to capture them with my crafty ears and usher them quickly into memory I fear they would simply float away.
Into the air they would dissipate. Or perhaps they would be carried away on the slight breeze as it leaves through the nearby window, gently passing through the swaying branches of the tree outside your window.  They would continue into the clear cool night until they were obscured lost between the pale moonlight and the deep shadows.
Oh, but here they are safe echoing in my mind or quietly awaiting a repeat. Would they be real if I did not hold them within the grasp of my mind? If I had not this evidence to hold, would they become dream? Am I thief, for stealing these moments and possessing them so?

Sunday, September 12, 2010


I like to get up in the early hours of the morning before the world begins to stir, I say goodmorning to the world in quiet peacefulness when it's just me. I love all creation. I love the rain but my heart needs the sunshine. I sometimes come home in the middle of the day to be alone.Though, I love to be with others. I love to be with others who are truly others. I love to serve. I love the unspoken. I enjoy the company of a someone who has no idea how much it means to me. I am blessed by those around me. I am blessed with trials that draw us closer. My life has been touched. I miss the mountains. Home is where the heart heart is where the path leads me. I will follow. I am moved by the beauty of creation. I am moved by the beauty of humanity. I am broken hearted for the lost and hurting.I weep for people I don't know. I yearn to see hearts mended. I pray. I love. I cry. I seek. I am so very grateful.